Well, one of the most common things one is logging himself in for at joomfreak.com is because of the free Joomla! templates everybody can download. We've had a closer look at the template download stats and they point out that the most downloaded Joomla! template is the jf Texturia with over 11.000+ downloads in different versions. The most popular Joomla! version of jf Texturia is Joomla! 2.5 template.
Following this template, we find jf Relaxio pretty much loved. On third position we have jf Well Benessere and jf Architec Design.
The total number of downloads of our templates on joomfreak.com today is 22.000+. It's clear there are far more downloads, because these stats do not include template downloads on third party website such as joomla.it, joomlaos.de, joomla24.com and others.
Also we had a closer look at the forum stats. By now we have aprox. 700 posts in around 120 subjects in 14 categories.
We are really astonished by these figures and would like to provide you with even better templates. This is why we have come up with a quick survey to check what our joomfreak community desires :)
Take this survey and help us to bring out more awesome stuff
What are you missing at joomfreak.com?
Total votes: 150