A wee benefit for joomfreak
Having built a lot of websites with this magnificient Open Source Contenent Management System (CMS), we would now like to dedicate some time to provide top-notch quality Joomla! templates for free.
In exchange for a tiny recognition (Copyright links at footer and credits area) our templates are for free download and use for everyone. If you need a commercial license of the template with the permission to remove/modify the copyright footer links, check out our "Terms of use" page.
There is a tiny donate button on the website which is going to be really happy everytime it is hit.
One for all - all for one
We are looking forward to provide the Joomsters around the globe with decent design and hope that our joomfreak community is growing in order to become a strong network within the joomiversum and by doing so can do benefit to the whole Joomla! community.
If you want to drop us a line with suggestions use the forum. Thanks for your support!
Becoma a joomfreak!
Become a joomfreak and subscribe today. Registering is absolutely free and grants you automatically access to the Joomla! forum on this website.
We are currently working on new features and benefits that make a joomfreak's life even more comfty.
If you have any idea or suggestions drop us a line or two using the forum.