3stix wrote:
ive tried this more times... wont work....
this is my code
<li class="courselist">
<a href="<?php echo $link; ?>">
<?php echo $slide->start_date; ?>
<?php echo $slide->title; ?>
</a><div class="tt-desc"><?php echo $short; ?></div>
title is working
start_date NOT
Solution is here:
in the helper php edit/add following lines:
line: 90 replace with:
$query->select('i.introtext AS course_intro, i.id AS course_id, i.title AS course_title, i.start_date AS start_date, i.alias AS course_alias, rel.catid AS course_catid, c.alias');
After line 163 add:
$imgObject->start_date = $course->start_date;
In the defualt.php you can get start date with
<?php echo $slide->start_date; ?>
, don't forgot to format it with php.