If i make changes in the category "portfolio" all is ok. For example changing "show titles" under "Item view options in category listings" shows the titles. so far so good.
But changes in the sub categorys (filters) don't effect anything. Do you know the reason?
Re: Changes in subcatefory don't effect
14 Oct 2013 11:48 #3168
Thank you very much, that helps.
Another question: If i click on "Portfolio" i see all items in the category view.
Is it possible to view only the items assigend to "portfolio" - without the items assigned to the sub categories?
I tried it with "featured/not featured" and set category "portfolio" to "show only featured items" and the subcategorys to "show featured items". But then in then subcategories the featured items are NOT shown, even if i don't take their parameters from "portfolio".