I just made my slideshow smaller like five minutes ago. There are a few things you need to change. I left my slide show the same width and changed the height from 538 to 290. First thing you need to do is go to the module manager and edit the slideshow module. On the right side click on the slideshow options slide. Change the width and height to whatever you want.
Next change the image size of the background image located "modules > mod_btslideshow > assets > skitter > images > jf_slideshow.png" to the size you made the slideshow in the previous step. I used photoshop to do this.
Next edit the file modules > mod_btslideshow > assets > skitter > css > skitter.styles.css and change the code.
background:url(../images/jf_slideshow.png) no-repeat left top;
To whatever settings you decided on. Mine looks like this:
background:url(../images/jf_slideshow.png) no-repeat left top;
That's how far I've gotten so far. I will need to change a couple more settings like the orange picture size on top of the slideshow where the description is located. Let me know if you need anymore help.
If you change the width you will need to change the position of the next and previous buttons.