Change orange color from the slideshow box
26 Mar 2013 21:04 #1845
Hi, First of all, thanks for the great <a href="" title="template">template</a>!
I have a simple question: How can I change the color of that orange box that is in slideshow? I´ve already linked my articles and changed the text, but I just don´t know how to change the color of that box to another one specific mine. Can you show me step by step how to do this?
Thanks again!
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Re: Change orange color from the slideshow box
05 Apr 2013 13:04 #1903
Ok thanks! I got it!
But just one more question...
How can I change thecolor of the text inside this box?
Sorry for the simple questions, but I'm new in these things. I know that I have to go go on CSS to change these colors, but where in CSS? Can you explain to me?