I'm using jf_taman template on Joomla 3.6.0
I'm here because i cannot show articles date in the home page of my site, even if I set the "Creation Date" of the articles on "Show"
If I open the article i can see it, but i would like to show it also in the home page, in the "blog list style" of latest articles
Re: Show dates on Home Page
14 Jul 2016 07:45 #9146
Thank you for answer
I tried that, but still the articles date in home page is not shown
I set on "Show" in the articles, in the menu, in the default site otpions, but date is shown only in the article page, and not in the Blog Category(Home)
Last Edit: 14 Jul 2016 07:47 by enrigon. Reason: more details on where i set the option "show"