No errors. We have the quickstart installed and everything works fine, except this. There isn't even any error when trying to close by the button or by closing the popup. They just do nothing.
As I said, we have K2 on the live site now with a different template and the editor works fine. The Close button will close the popup when nothing has been entered as does the "X" for closing the popup.
Even now, they both work fine ONLY when editing something or after an article has been entered AND saved, but the article must be saved before they will work.
I have installed just the template on a backup of the live site and the K2 editor works fine, so that leads me to believe that there is some conflict in the quickstart setup that is not working or is not setup correctly.
here is a clue - one the quickstart install, hovering over the "X" on the popup shows "xxx/itemlist/user/290-demouser#"
on the backup install of the live site, hovering over the "X" gives "xxx/#"
Same user, "demo" is logged in to both sites and can edit K2 articles.
"xxx" being the localhost url.