Hi there,
First of all, thank you very much for your templates which are simply great looking and so easy to use and to modify.
I have a little problem with the normal, joomla-integrated Blog-View. I don't use K2 Blog. Unfortunately, i can only see the publishing date if I click on the article and open it but i can't see it if I am on the category overview of the blog. For me, it is important to enable the details also in category blog view. How can i fix that issue? I have two screenshots attached to show you the problem:
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Normal blog view (category) => publishing date is missing
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Inside the article, the article details are correct
It is not a Joomla setting, but i think it is not in the source code that the details can be shown in the blog overview.
Thank you for your help!
Joomla! 3.3.6 Stable
php 5.4.35