Hi everyone. I have a problem with understanding, how to put a few downloaded elements to my server (ftp).
When I install another template, it was always one file (name.zip). After download I have unzip it. Unziped folder I put to my serwer (ftp) in "public_html/template". After refresh in administration joomla, I can choose that template from the list and after that my website changes in new look.
In "JF RELAXIO" we have 4 zip files:
1 - "jf_relaxio-15.zip",
2 - "jf_relaxio-15-jw_simpleImageGallery.zip",
3 - "jf_relaxio-15-modules.zip",
4 - "jf_relaxio-15-quickstart.zip"
and another one
In manual v1.0 I don`t find any reason, how to do it practily for beginners like me:
I. Installation
1. install from attached link - it means download, unzip and put to server?
2. download modules - and what? unzip it and put to server next to folder from point 1 or into this folder or something else?
3. this same like in point 2.
II. Install Quickstart Version
1. and 2. - in which place? in folder from point I.1?
3. link "
www.akeebabackup.com/download/kickstart/svn1564.html" shows nothing, but I found in menu "kickstart-core-3.6.0.zip" - is it correct?
4. Extract - Where?
5. I don`t understand - do I need it?
6. How to do it? After point 5 shows something? Should I open something (in server or computer)?
Sorry for my computer and english knowledge.