Modify footermenu in JF Relaxio
02 Feb 2017 16:38 #9929
Hello everybody !
I'm a newbie in PHP/SQL Website, and I've made a transfer from Gandi to OVH.
And I want to update my website, so in order to, I want to modify link from the footermenu in JF Relaxio, if you don't know what I mean, this is the links at the low right "Contact | MonCompteiTsOkay | ... "
The old site :
And I also want to change the button that change the backgrounslideshow, where can I change it ?
I've tried directly on the module with the style.css, but it didn't work ...
Re: Modify footermenu in JF Relaxio
03 Feb 2017 02:46 #9930
And I want to update my website, so in order to, I want to modify link from the footermenu in JF Relaxio, if you don't know what I mean, this is the links at the low right "Contact | MonCompteiTsOkay | ... "
You can edit template file index.php
And I also want to change the button that change the backgrounslideshow, where can I change it ?
Try to edit file templates/jf_relaxio/css/template.css, at line 98.
Re: Modify footermenu in JF Relaxio
03 Feb 2017 10:36 #9932
Thanks a lot, really thanks a lot !!
I've seen it days ago, but impossible to find it again ...
So, It's okay for the Footermenu, but for the arrows, everything's already good in the templace.css, but there's still a red hover on the arrows, that's weird.
Maybe I'll have to search on the style.css in the background slideshow module ?
Also, on the previous Website, if you look at the pictures that use the background slideshow, you'll see that they wasn't centered on the screen, it was lower.
Any ideas on where to find it ?
I'll continue to search myself too.