Nevertheless, the login form doesn't work (Yes I'm using the <a href="" title="template">template</a> with <a href="" title="joomla">joomla</a>! 2.5 now ^^).
I noticed several mistakes in htmlmod_logindefault.php like: 'com_user' instead of 'com_users', which given me the '404 - Component not found' error. But now it's ok.
There was also the "MOD_LOGIN_" prefix missing when requesting JText, so the text was not replaced.
The buttons doesn't log me, able me to register or to retrieve my password and I don't think I will get it working since web development is not my cup of tea. Do you have a form that works ?
PS: I know that template is free, but some help would be very (very) appreciated
PS: I know that template is free, but some help would be very (very) appreciated