I've question whether it is possibility to replicate the Event Up module to display 3 such modules at the same time and that they acted independently of each other?
Now I have 3 modules, but the conference program appears only in one of them, and the rest are empty - switching tabs are running across all three modules at once.
I solved first problem, but now I've another one with same module (JF K2 Module Event Up) - is there any possibility to make some positions unclickable and to change their icon to simple dot (same as first position has)? I'd like to have some points in my program with intro text (and those should be clickable) and some without intro text (and those should be unclickable). Is that possible? Here is url to my site: konferencje.inzynieria.com/inzynieria/_new_site/
I added class "no-accordion" if some points without intro text. You can edit modules/mod_jf_k2_eventup2/tmpl/Default/css/default.css, modify line 42 to: