There are some images that have to be changed, or deleted from the code as they are in pink. I know for sure the 2 pics 'bg-contact.jpg' & 'arrow-scrolldown.jpg'. One is the background image for the contact us section, the picture of a letter, and the other is the scrolldown arrow that takes you from the first slideshow module to the about us module. I downloaded the pics from cpanel, then edited them, and reuploaded them with the same name, deleting the originals, so that I didnt have to change any code.
I quite like the approach of the before mentioned isupport. If you want different colors though instead of just one, and it doesnt help for slightly off colors like when hovering over navigation menu. I instead went through the css code and found all the pinks, and changed them manually. It took a while to find them all as its an 8000 line code, but Im happy I have exactly the colors i want now. Ive written most down, so perhaps i can post the lines here soon where i found the code if people want.