Go to modules/mod_jfslideshow/mod_jfslideshow.xml file, add field from slideoption_target1 to slideoption_target10 like this:
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Open modules/mod_jfslideshow/fields/slideoption.php file, modify:
$target1 = $moduleParams->get($name .'target'.$i, '_blank');
$target1 = $moduleParams->get($name .'_target'.$i, '_blank');
Make sure this file has code:
$targetOptions = array(
JHTML::_('select.option', '_blank', JText::_('Open in New Window') ),
JHTML::_('select.option', '_self', JText::_('Open in This Window/Frame') ),
JHTML::_('select.option', '_parent', JText::_('Open in Parent Window/Frame') ),
JHTML::_('select.option', '_top', JText::_('Open in Top Frame') )
<p class="subitem">
<label for="jformparams<?php echo $name;?>_target<?php echo $i;?>" class="jflabel hasTip" title="<?php echo 'Target browser window when the link is clicked';?>">
Url Target
echo JHTML::_('select.genericlist', $targetOptions, 'jform[params]['.$name.'_target'.$i.']', null, 'value', 'text', $target1);
Open modules/mod_jfslideshow/tmpl/slideshow.php file, modify:
$target = $params->get($name .'target'.$i, '_blank');
$target = $params->get($name .'_target'.$i, '_blank');