ciao elephant not a good idea!
I have a website finished and complete. I want only a section of it with Creativia Layout. (TEMPLATE ASSIGNED)
I can not re-install Joomla! on ...
...but I solved it in this way :
I use Joomla 2.5 - PHP 5.3.28
1°) Main Category K2 > PORTFOLIO (vedi
demo) you must assign the 'template Creativia'
If you install only the template did not appear in the dropdown menu
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I have copied the folder template-K2-Creativia following
this Tutorial (at the bottom >
Customizing the K2 Template)
...and after it has appeared!
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2° Attention in Joomla 2.5 the setting of menu item!
Select ONLY the main category K2 and
NOT the subcategories!
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...and everything works fine!
I hope it can help someone