Social Media Icons/Links on the home page
02 Mar 2014 04:59 #4140
I understand that in the template setting you can set the URL for each of the social media icons (installed the quick-start package) but I can not find where to select which of the social media links I want to display.
I don't want SKYPE or TWITTER for example, and I have erased their values in the template manager but they keep coming back. How can I remove one or two of the social media functions completely?
Re: Social Media Icons/Links on the home page
02 Mar 2014 17:56 #4144
got it - thank you for the help. one more question, since the template manager in joomla provides the URL information what is the best way to add a non ready social ink such as google plus.
I can edit the code for LinkedIN (since i don't use it) and I can just change the image pointer in index.php to google+ image and then use that field in the template manager for google+ address... but is there a better way to incorporate g+ into the template manager like the others are?