I'm new about joomla and all its stuff.
So, I've some problem on create "k2 portfolio menu" like the one on the demo on Jf Creativia template, with the preview images matrix.
Do you know some tutorial or procedure to make it?
Now the problem is how it works.
I download the manual as well.
Are there some tutorial to install quickstart jf creativia?
I've some problem in particular about some manual point, like configuration.php to 777 and then 444.
The installation steps are as follows quickstart package.
1. download quickstart
2. Unzip quickstart to your local PC and upload to remote
3. Insert your info site database backup and restore sql quickstart
4. Insert your site title, email etc personal information.
5. Insert your administrator username, password & email
6. Finish installation and remove the "installation" directory
7. You are done. you can now call the site url