I have new joomla install 3.3.6, I tried to install creativia quickstart but got following error : impossible access to administrator page (blank page) and the website is deformated...
I installed following this steps :
1. Unzip quickstart to your local PC and upload to remote
2. In your browser type the url where you copied the quickstart files followed by „/installation“
3. Set configuration.php to chmod „777“ (set it back to 444 when installation is finished!)
4. Follow the installation instructions and check the folder permissions
5. Insert your site database info and restore quickstart sql backup
6. Insert your site title, personal information email etc.
7. Insert your administrator username, password & email
8. Finish installation and remove „installation“ directory
9. You are done =) you can now call the site url
And when I try to access the administrator section (
www.mdpagym.fr/administrator) I get a blank page. Website is deformated too :
I would appreciate some help. I am new to joomla alltogether and have a feeling I am missing something basic.
Thanks in advance, Sebastien