I loaded the quickstart jf_creativia and so far has worked well compresp component JF slideshows that but at the moment to change the text portions (and after upgrade joomla 3.4.0), yes is set mode "youtube" not showing more slideshows flowing images. Also it is locked and not giving the possibility to change anything, always giving 403 error.
I tried to create a .htaccess file as I found online by entering these commands:
<IfModule mod_security.c>
SecFilterEngine Off
SecFilterScanPOST Off
</ IfModule>
but nothing.
Do not make me do anything! I did even restore the site by Akeeba (from a copy of the first issue) but probably copied only the data because the error (ie the setting youtube and the resulting error) persists.
What can I still do?
thanks: '(