Hi guys
I found this topic
and i tried it out, but I get not the result I want
you can see it on the site
user guest
password welcome1
I tried also to turn the configuration on
#left h1 {
border-bottom: none;
-webkit-transform: rotate(0deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(270deg);
left: 0px!important;
margin: 0px;
bottom: 236px;
so it works that the article title is in the left columne but if i minimize the window the article title is in the middle of the site over the text
with the config like this
#left h1 {
border-bottom: none;
-webkit-transform: rotate(180deg);
-moz-transform: rotate(270deg);
left: -300px!important;
margin: 0px;
bottom: 236px;
the article title is permanently on top like it should be only if the browser is minimized or from a smartphone or others
thank you for your help
best regards