- I succede to remove the arrow "gototop" but now remain a link "gototop". how can I remove it?
In the templates/jf_creativia/css/template.css file, add:
.backToTop {
display: none;
- How can I set the height of the main page?
In template.css file, add:
.padder {
height: ...px;
- How can I remove "privacy policy" and "site map" from the bottom?
In the templates/jf_creativia/index.php file, find and remove:
<ul class="menu">
<li><a title="joomfreak" target="_blank" href="#">Privacy Policy</a></li>
<li class="last"><a title="Rasenfix" target="_blank" href="#">Site Map</a></li>
- How can I call the map that now is in contact in another article?
You can use Embed map from Google map.
Thank you for using our template!