Social links:
-> You have to edit templates/jf_calla-exteriors/templateDetails.xml and add the new position in the params. (for example after "youtubelink")
<field name="yourcustomicon" type="radio" default="1"
label="Show your custom Icon"
description="Select an option">
<option value="0">No</option>
<option value="1">Yes</option>
<field name="yourcustomlink" type="text" default=""
label="Your custom Link"
description="Please add your custom link here"
filter="string" />
-> You have to edit templates/jf_calla-exteriors/index.php and add the new code after youtubeicon (line 234)
<?php if ($templateparams->get('youtubeticon') && $templateparams->get('youtubelink') != '') : ?>
<li><a class="button-youtube" href="<?php echo $templateparams->get('youtubelink'); ?>" target="_blank"></a></li>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($templateparams->get('yourcustomicon') && $templateparams->get('yourcustomlink') != '') : ?>
<li><a class="button-yourcustom" href="<?php echo $templateparams->get('yourcustomlink'); ?>" target="_blank"></a></li>
<?php endif; ?>
-> Now you have to edit templates/jf_calla-exteriors/css/template.css css style of your custom link (for example after "#jf-social li a.button-youtube")
#jf-social li a.button-youtube {
background: url(../images/youtube.png) no-repeat;
#jf-social li a.button-yourcustom{
background: url(../images/yourcustom.png) no-repeat;
Finally you copy the image "yourcustom.png" to templates/jf_calla-exteriors/images.
Than you go to the backend and can enable / disable your custom link and also set url.
For social of K2 in category view.. you should first check if this is possible...
Because this is not provided by K2. You need to place the code by your own in the K2 layout files.