I'm new to Joomla and Iove your template !
I'm trying to create some kind of portfolio but something is not working...
When I create an item to show ont the portfolio by using Components => K2 => Items, there are some pictures that I can't use, with no apparent reason ! It's strange, some pictures work, some other just don't. I select the picture, I validate and then the site loads, loads, loads... to reach nothing, just a white empty page. I have to get back to the previous page, and the picture is not selected. The strangest part is that I'm not even trying tu uplaod some new pictures but just trying to use the one that are already on the server.
Another weird thing : some pictures that won't work with K2 can be used on the site by some other ways (exemple given : I could use them in any article by using JCE).
I don't even think that it's a matter of size, since I'm only using pictures under 150ko... More over, I can use one of the pictures that is 55ko but I can't use another one which is 40ko ! I've also tried to resize the picture that I want to use and make it very small just to be sure that it wasn't the problem, and it still doesn't work.
Is there a way to fix it ?
Thank you
PS : excuse me for my bad english...