Hello -
I am relatively new to Joomla, and am so far loving this template. Very simple and elegant.
I have a few questions about how to modify the template. I've been playing around, and some things I've managed to figure out myself, but on some other, I'm stuck...
1) How can I change the color of the dark bar that appears underneath the logo/main menu when you start scrolling? I have changed some of the colors on the template, and would like something that better matches the whole color scheme.
2) The little line that moves around underneath the main menu keeps moving back to one particular menu item after a few seconds. Is there a way to keep it still, always underneath whichever menu item/page is active?
3) How can I remove the slideshow element from the home page and make it look like the other pages (where the slideshow element is removed, and you just see the associated article)? I've poked around the css and js codes a bit, and tried a number of things in trial/error, but cannot seem to find a solution.
Thanks for the help!