Hi again Roel.
To change this you have to modify the core files of K2. You can find it in components/com_k2/models/item.php. You have to remove / comment out this code:
if ($user->guest)
$db = JFactory::getDBO();
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM #__users WHERE name=".$db->Quote($userName)." OR email=".$db->Quote($commentEmail);
$result = $db->loadresult();
if ($result > 0)
echo $json->encode($response);
Please consider that you are modifying a core file. Consider that when you upgrade k2, this will need to be updated again too. And -those checks have been integrated from K2 team to avoid spoofing...
Another thing - i have seen your work. Very nice! But you are not allowed to remove the copyright links on the right bottom position, without paying for commercial license...! thx.