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The winter is no longer done. And if the weather does not get better, it can be pretty boring also. So we tought - lets get to work and finish a new - small - fine - template for the freaks out there. The result? jf Creativia its his name!
The jf Calla comes as a sort of creative agency portfolio template but due to it's neutral module system can be used for more than just that.
Summer is finally kicking in and so is a new joomfreak template. We present the kool jf Calla Exteriors template. Just watching it will make you feel chill willy.
The JF Vihrea is comes with some amazing features for frontend and backend. The most amazing is probably that this template is fully responsive and therefore the first responsive webdesign template in the joomfreak family.
Costumers at Kreatif have been keeping us busy for a while now. However, we are back with a new exciting Joomla! template for joomfreak. Free of charge and ready to be modified by you!
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